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Eliminating Financial Clutter

As we move into March and get closer to Spring, like many people, your thoughts may be turning to de-cluttering and spring cleaning. Since we're also heading into tax season, let's take it one step further and talk specifically about financial clutter.

Financial clutter is typically easier to ignore, because it's not something that you are necessarily aware of every day, as you may be with other types of clutter in your home. But the effects of financial clutter can be disastrous. Money, like everything else, is energy and if you want to attract more of it into your life and if you want to have financial freedom, every area of your finances needs to be organized. Money does not come to chaos, or even if it does, it will soon leave.

You need to be aware, at all times, of exactly how much money you have, how much you owe, how much you spend, and the amount of your net worth. You should be able to lay your hands on any financial document, such as bank statements or bills, at any time. Yet what often happens is that people keep receipts and bills in piles, checks are lost in the bottom of purses, instead of being paid into the bank and you wonder why you can't seem to get ahead financially.

Many people have some kind of fear or mental block when it comes to organizing and keeping financial records. If you find that the only time you really try to organize and pay attention to your finances and your financial records is when tax time rolls around again, then this applies to you. It's important to look behind the behavior to find out what are the beliefs and conditioning that are driving your actions around your money.

Do you believe that you're just not good at managing money? Do you tell yourself that it's because you don't have the time to do what's needed? Or are you afraid of knowing your true financial picture because you're concerned that it might be worse that you thought? These are all ways of avoiding doing what you need to do. The truth is, even if you aren't good at managing your financial records or you don't have the time to do it, it's very easy (and worthwhile) to hire a bookkeeper to organize your financial paperwork and keep everything up-to-date. Yet often, people resist even this.

It's important to understand that there's more going on here. In order to eliminate the financial clutter in your life, you first have to deal with the emotional clutter you have around money. You need to uncover the beliefs and conditioning that created the disorganization and are keeping you stuck there. Let's say for a moment that you did bring in a bookkeeper to organize all your financial records - what's the worst that could happen? Yes, you'd have to pay them to do it, but it's going to take them a fraction of the time that it would take you because this is their profession.

You may feel uneasy about knowing your true financial picture, but consider that it may actually be better than you thought, and even if it is not - once you know exactly what it is then you can do something about it, and remember that it's easier to attract more when what you already have is well managed and organized rather than chaotic.

Here are a few suggestions for uncovering the beliefs and conditioning that are creating your financial disorganization:

  • Write your story as it relates to money. Start with your earliest memories around money and write about everything that's gone on in your financial life up until now. What patterns do you notice? Become aware of what feelings and emotions come up for you as you do this.

  • Do a money meditation - sit quietly and close your eyes. Take a few long, slow, deep breaths and think about your financial disorganization. Think about where you are now financially and where you want to be. As you think about this, pay attention to how you feel. Notice any uncomfortable sensations in your body, put your attention on them and breathe into them. Notice if they change. Ask yourself what is the message that these feelings have for you - why are they there? See what answers come to you.

  • Ask yourself what is the payoff for your financial disorganization. If there wasn't a payoff of some kind, you wouldn't be doing it - so write about what comes up for you as you ask yourself this question.

  • Ask for help. Hire a bookkeeper to get you on track and who can show you how to easily manage your finances. If you can't afford to pay someone, find someone you can trade with. What do you have that they might need? Perhaps you could help them in some other area.

Remember, financial disorganization and chaos are in your life for a reason. When you discover why and you do something about it, then you won't need the problem in your life any more. Don't wait until tax time every year to address the financial clutter in your life. Start with the emotional financial clutter and it will translate to the physical. I promise, you will love the results!

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