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Investment Consequences When the Aim is Growth With Greed and Power With Pride, It All Tumbles Down

There has just been an excellent programme on BBC Television in the United Kingdom, on the collapse of Lehman's Bank, with its international branch involvement, and the international implications.

The title of the sixty minute exposure was "The Love of Money".

The presentation was well done but the first third was quite sad as it portrayed what had been happening over these past years, as the head of the bank spoke of his aim and goal.

The bank was going to be number one and it would do what it could to get in front of everyone that was ahead of it. This was expressed in quite aggressive and arrogant terms. As I watched I just shook my head. It was doomed from that point onwards.

Here was greed and pride and sinful ambition all rolled into one financial disaster!

Yes, the head of the bank may have made a massive amount of money and pocketed enormous sums in salary and bonuses, but at what price!

The ethics and morality of the corporation was faulty. There was no sound foundation. There was no rock on which to build, and so that which is built on sand will one day tumble and crumble. Jesus Christ said this and there is no way any man can argue his way out of that inevitable consequence!

The love of money is a root of all evil and that has proved to be so very true in the investment and financial world over these past years. God has said that in His Word and that Word comes true, sometimes sooner rather than later, but there is way to be forgiven and reconciled and restored.

Did men think they would get off with this? Did men think they could act in such appalling, all the while considering that they would never be caught and found out?

Thousands of people have been deeply affected and hurt by all this corruption. Many will have felt destroyed by it all, but again, let me say, there is a way out.

When I hear of all these Business Management Courses and University qualification in Business and Finance, I have often asked, whether or not they teach about sin in these courses. Or is the concept of sin foreign to those who teach and attend?

The consequences of sin are no foreign, nor are they philosophical, or from the ancient world of fantasy. They are very real.

When you read the Old and New Testaments, you will find that all this is dealt with fully and comprehensively and such a study might save many from years of heartache and family breakdown.

Is it old fashioned? Yes! But I came into this world in an old fashioned way and I will leave this world in an old fashioned way!

Sandy Shaw

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