Taking Responsibility For Your Credit Cards
In numerous cases, credit card companies issue cards to customers who may be deemed, risky. In many cases they do so at a higher interest rate. Some of these cards still have annual fee's and additional charges. Now, granted, customers should avoid these cards. However, some customers who want a credit card, will do what they have to in order to get one. So begins the snowball effect.
A customer, who probably could not afford a credit card at those terms in the first place, proceeds to max out the card, get immediately behind on their payments, the fee's begin to build, and that snowball continues to roll down the hill that did not have to be. Again, it is a shared responsibility. The credit card companies have to be aware of their risks and not issue credit cards for profit potential only. On the other hand, customers who take on credit cards, must accept the responsibility of owning up to their financial obligations.
There was once a time in our society where credit revolved around a simple hand shake. Those times have long since faded into obscurity. Why? For one thing, a hand shake was based on honor during a time when someone's "honor" actually used to mean something. Your hand shake was your bond, the reflection of you as someone who could be trusted. This was a reputation that was not taken lightly. Of course, honor does still exist, but it just seems to mean more to some than others. There are instances of course, where hard times just get the best of you and it has nothing at all to do with your honor- just your financial situation!
You end up taking on too much, and then you get buried in an ocean of credit related debt that continues to grow as you find it difficult to keep up with your payments. There is hope, though, and all does not have to be lost. You can still save your honor! You can climb out of the hole that you are in. Don't give up the ship without a good fight.
Here is how to take responsibility for your credit cards:
If you are going to take on credit cards, you should be prepared to take responsibility for them. Until you can get your financial situation under better control, at least make an effort to make the minimum payment due, before it's due. This will avoid the addition of late fees or increased interest rates that are often the result of a late payment to a credit card company.
Do not depend on your credit card as a bail out. Use it responsively. Call your credit card company and ask to have your interest rate lowered. Many times it will be in the credit card companies best interest to lower the rate, rather than simply inherit a delinquent account. Organize your finances. Know what you have coming in and what you owe out on a monthly basis. Take responsibility for your credit cards and they will take care of you by giving you access to credit when you need it.
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